From the category archives:


A Three-Stringed Future “Van Halen”?

April 6, 2011

Check out this new three-stringed guitar from designer Rafael Atijas, specifically designed for children.


“Portal to Hell”

February 26, 2011

The nightmarish Port-a-Potty is tackled by this Cincinnati College of Design student.


“Jimmyjane Fuses High Design for Down Below”

February 16, 2011

Jimmyjane hits the spot.


Wind Mecha

November 3, 2010

Physicist and self titled Kinetic Sculptor Theo Jansen creates stunning intricate wind powered “creatures” mecha – that move on the wind and seem to have a life of their own.


“Growing a Hidden Architecture”

October 1, 2010

This fascinating concept comes from a graduate student project at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London several years ago, entitled : Growing a Hidden Architecture.  Christian Kerrigan proposed an awe-inspiring series of contraptions: collars, tourniquets, hinges, corsets, and belts that could be attached to still-growing trees, thus bending and shaping their growth into a […]


Bold is Better!

September 14, 2010

Fresh packaging from down under.



July 7, 2010
Thumbnail image for “Slice”

The ‘Slice’ concept is an organically inspired computing system which envisions a new approach to accessing, organizing and interacting with information and data stored on the PC. Slice brings the information out of the computer putting it into the users hand. By physically interacting with the slice, users can organize and place files accordingly. Each of the slices visually represent different folders seen in current operating software such as My Documents, My Music, My Videos, etc. The visual and touch based experience associated with slice provides the user with a tangible connection to their information stored on the computer reassuring the safety and placement of their files.


“Ladle Lamp”

January 28, 2010
Thumbnail image for “Ladle Lamp”

“Do not try to bend the spoon — that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth: there is no spoon”. Here is a stunning design from the team at Gro… Ahh, the simplicity and purity of it’s form (tips bowler-hat).“A self initiated project from 2003, this counter balanced side lamp is inspired by the […]
